… full circle abundance with the Healy

(currently undergoing construction)

do you believe …

  • wellbeing is about the mind the body and the soul? 
  • changing your energy can change your life?
  • in the power of manifestation?

are you a purpose worker … 

  • whose work is deeply needed?
  • who aspires to make a difference in the world?
  • who longs to leave the 9to5 
  • who’d love a collaborative network of inspiring women

are you called to serve, but … 

  • need to pay the bills
  • are overwhelmingly busy?
  • dont have any reach? 
  • We are Katja and Siobhan, Holistic Empowerment Coaches. Formerly in the corporate world its now our mission to activate you to step into full circle abundance. Introducing the life-changing frequency Healy device. Join our tribe of beautiful purpose workers as you enjoy our high-level MLM training to unlock your unlimited potential as you set up your business. 

What you get when you join our team

step-by-step setting up your business

learn about the Healy device & frequencies

receive an exclusive 4-week intensive training

plug into a powerful community of like-minded soulpreneurs

Learn more

at our next Healy Intro Call (recording available)
Ask us for the next dates:

About us

Katja Lampe

Siobhan Hunter

Lisa Hernandez

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